Weekly ticket for week 06 (04.02. to 09.02.2025)

The weekly ticket for week 06 has arrived. Come to our tavern or take-away your food!


Our weekly highlights at a glance:


  • Lentils with dumplings
  • Grilled chops with roasted vegetables and chips
  • Baked chicken with salad on Saturday
  • Homemade pastries


And here is the whole Weekly menu for the calendar weeke 06:

(from 04. 02. – 09 .02. 2025)

Valentine’s schnitzel dinner on February 14, 2025


Every guest gets a free hot love as dessert after “his” valentine schnitzel! Romantic for two, in a group or alone, we look forward to seeing you!

Kitchen operation is from 11:00 to 20:00 (continuous)

We gladly accept table reservations under Tel. 02725/401, by Whats APP 06803352856 or mail info@voralpenhof.com to.

Wednesday concert on July 31, 2024

Wednesday concert on July 31 from 5:00 pm

Ribs, grilled fish fillet and salad variations: all you can eat!

You will be entertained by:

  • MV- Ötscherland
  • HTV- Plattler
  • besides, there’s the popular beer fountain again

We look forward to a cozy evening with you!



We are “Wild Wonder Card” hosts again in 2023

Dear guests,

In 2023, we will once again be a host of the “Wild Wonder Card” – the adventure card for the alpine Mostviertel with 52 attractions and various travel discounts.

That means: All our guests get the Wild Wonder Card (and thus the discounts it contains) completely free of charge during the period of their stay with us at the Voralpenhof.

The adventure card for the Mostviertel is valid in 2023 in the period from April 29 to November 2.

Read more: Mostviertel.at (EN version)

Eat “Josefibratl” on 19. 03. 2024

Eat “Josefibratl” on 19. 03.

Table reservation or food pick-up under Tel.: 02725/401 or Whats App 0680/3352856


Every guest who orders a portion of “Bratl” gets a little thank you from us!

Day of the coffee on 01. 10. 2023

Day of the coffee on 01. 10. 2023: with the kind support of the WKO


Celebrate the day of coffee with us:

  • All day we offer the popular coffee pass with every coffee
  • Raffle with coffee vouchers
  • We also have the most popular pastries for you all day! (Also to take away)

We look forward to many nice conversations around the coffee!


Wild Wonders Card Host: New Folder for 2022

Dear House Guests,

we are “Wilde Wunder Card” hosts and for 2022 the new folder is now published. From May 1 to November 22, 2022, guests young and old will have free access to a total of 52 attractions and programs in the Mostviertel region. Read more

From Friday, December 17 again open for you!

Dear guests! The time of waiting is finally over; from Friday 17 December 2021 we are open again for you!

We thank you for your support and loyalty during the last weeks and are looking forward to welcoming you again as usual from December 17th.

The provisional opening hours are:
Tuesday – Saturday from 9:00 – 22:00; kitchen service continuously until 18:00
Sunday from 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.; kitchen operation until 2:00 p.m.


24. 12. 2021 closed

26. 12. 2021 closed

Still possible:
Food pick-up as part of our “Wirtshaus für z’Haus” campaign when ordered in advance (please the day before)!

New: Garden breakfast from 09:00 to 11:00

The warm season is here! From now on we offer from 09:00 to 11:00 o’clock the guest garden breakfast for a comfortable start into the day.

In our modern guest garden you can relax – we will serve you a tasty breakfast. We ask for reservation at the latest the day before!